A day of free coaching for women with Ottilie Robinson Shaw and Jacko Jackson at Hurley on Saturday, 11 January.
There are 10 places available, and these will go to the first 10 women to comment on the Facebook post - subject to meeting the below criteria.
This day is aimed at women who are new to freestyle kayaking, are comfortable going into a wave or hole, have an 80% reliable roll, and would like to learn some fundamental wave boating skills. At the end of this day, we hope you'll feel confident getting on and off of the feature, will have learnt the basic skills of moving around the wave, and will take away the foundation skills to work towards throwing tricks! You'll also have spent the day with some likeminded ladies (and Jacko!) and will be part of a network of women who Freestyle.
You will need all your own kit, food and your own transport to the venue (Hurley Weir). Otherwise, this is a completely free day!
Why women only?
As part of the Development Pathway our ‘Finding Freestyle’ events are aimed at promoting equality and diversity in sport through increasing participation, and bringing down the barriers preventing underrepresented groups from enjoying the full benefits that recreational and competitive freestyle brings. We are keen to understand why there are less women than men taking part in Freestyle kayaking and would like to discuss and explore the reasons why during this day.
The programme objective is to promote equality and diversity whilst gaining a better understanding of underrepresented groups' perceptions of our sport, which provides insights and evidence for future programmes that are better based on proven principles of what works.
Finding Freestyle event programmes will be subject to ongoing review and adaption to maximise effectiveness. After each event a questionnaire will be used to gauge the target groups perceptions of the sport, its benefits and accessibility.
Photo credit: Jack Gunter
Poster credit: Mike Roberts